So Farr, So Good

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Outside Fun

Today was the perfect day to be outside! It wasn't too warm and the humidity was pretty low. Darrell, Reagan, and I hung out in the back yard for a while this morning until Reagan got pretty tired and then it was nap time.
After Reagan woke up, we went out and got Reagan some outside toys. He already had the Little Tikes swing that hangs from a tree. Today, we got him a Little Tikes climber/slide and a Step 2 water table. He LOVED them, especially the water table. Of course, he also loved the tunnel that the box to the playscape made!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

15 month check up

Last Monday was Reagan's 15 month check up. He weighed in at 20.4 pounds and is 31" tall. He is in the 5th percentile for his weight and is in the 75th percentile for his height! Since Dr. Day, his pediatrician, was also my pediatrician from the time I was in 4th grade until the time I was in high school, she reminds me that she remembers what I looked like as a child and it's not too different from how Reagan looks now.

Reagan eats pretty much everything that we have put in front of him so far and he eats ALOT. Some of his favorite things right now are: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, avocado, banana, strawberries, black berries, lemons (he will just keep chewing on them until we take them away, and pretty much any sort of meat. He also LOVES ketchup. He eats everything without it, but he really eats it once it has a little bit of ketchup on it.

He is doing pretty well feeding himself these days. Last weekend, we got him a little metal spoon and fork set because he's been very interested in using ours. He really enjoys using them.

Darrell and I both took off work yesterday. My Mom was attending her 45th college reunion, so we had no baby sitter. We are also starting our search for a daycare for Reagan. Now that he is really walking well and into everything, we think now will be a good time to get him into a day care and get him socializing with other kids. We visited 4 on Friday and there was only one that we marked off the list completely. There was one that really stood out. It is not as convenient as the others, but for the money, we think that it will probably be the best of the other 3.

In other news, I went to the doctor for my yearly check-up on Good Friday and I weigh 2 pounds less than when I first got pregnant. I am so thrilled with that. Running consistently and eating the right things (and limiting my baked goods) has paid off. I am wearing a size 6 right now, but am right on the edge of being back in a 4, which I NEVER thought I'd see again!

I ran the Capitol 10K a couple of weeks ago. This is my 4th year in a row to run that race and it is definitely one of my very favorite races. I ran my best time for the Cap 10K yet at 1:13:09. Today, I ran the Texas Round Up 10K, which is a very hilly course, and I finished in 1:16:36. Last year, on that same course, it took me 1:31:29 and I walked ALOT. I didn't walk near as much this year and felt so much better this year! I've got a couple of more 5K's scheduled for the next couple of weeks. I really want to keep a good running base over the summer because I'd like to do the San Antonio Rock N'Roll Half Marathon that is on November 14, 2010. That would require that I keep my good base that I've got right now (running 3 miles 2-3 times per week and 5-6 miles on the weekend) and then starting in August, I will start to increase my mileage each week to work up to the half marathon. Hopefully, this summer will not be as hot as last summer and it will be easier!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

Re-tiled bathroom! The bottom picture is the bridge that I ran over. 2.5 miles of the 6.2 miles were on the bridge.

Finally! A New Post!

It's been a while since my last post, but we have been SO busy! We attended my friend Colleen's wedding which was absolutely beautiful and very cold and then just a couple of days later, Reagan, Mom, and I took a looong road trip out to Charleston, South Carolina for a mini-family reunion. We lost my mom's brother, Jim, to cancer just a couple of days before the New Year. He had told my Aunt that he did not want a funeral or any sort of memorial service, so we went out to South Carolina and his three kids and their families as well as one of my Grandfather's brothers' (my mom's uncle) met us in South Carolina and we went out and ate some great Barbq in his honor. It was a perfect tribute to him and so good to see my cousins and my Aunt.

Mom, Reagan, and I stayed with my Aunt Betsy (Uncle Jim's wife) in their beautiful home in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Reagan was quite the trooper on the trip out and did much better than I expected. I am so very thankful for the portable DVD player that Darrell got for us right before our trip. Baby Einstein DVD's really made the trip quite enjoyable! While we were in South Carolina, Reagan made his first two trips to the beach and loved the sand more than I could have even imagined that he would! He squealed, crawled, threw it, covered himself in it, got some in his mouth, ears, eyes, nose, and diaper. He was not a happy man when I picked him up to take him away when our beach time was over.

While we were there, I ran the Cooper River Bridge 10K, which is the 3rd largest 10K in the US. There were over 38,000 participants! The run was beautiful and I really enjoyed running in a new place. I ran my fastest 10K ever! I ran the entire 6.2 miles and finished in 1:11:21. Prior to this 10K, my fastest 10K was Capitol 10K in March 2007. That time was 1:16:46. I was thrilled to have done it as fast as I did!

Reagan overall did a good job being off of his schedule and in a new place. He has found a new pitch to scream in that is unbelievably high. We think that he gets frustrated because he can't tell us what he wants, so we get the scream instead. We are hoping that he starts communicating better sometime soon!

While we were away, Darrell re-tiled my bathroom. It looks amazing and I'm so proud of his tiling skills! This past Friday, our friend Patti and I painted the bathroom and went shopping for new shower curtains, towels, etc. I am so pleased with how nice it turned out!

We enjoyed our 3 day weekend and spent Saturday running a bunch of errands and relaxed on Sunday. Reagan got to hunt Easter Eggs for the first time this year. He enjoyed picking them up and putting them in his bucket and then pouring them out again!

Pics to come soon!!