So Farr, So Good

Monday, April 5, 2010

Finally! A New Post!

It's been a while since my last post, but we have been SO busy! We attended my friend Colleen's wedding which was absolutely beautiful and very cold and then just a couple of days later, Reagan, Mom, and I took a looong road trip out to Charleston, South Carolina for a mini-family reunion. We lost my mom's brother, Jim, to cancer just a couple of days before the New Year. He had told my Aunt that he did not want a funeral or any sort of memorial service, so we went out to South Carolina and his three kids and their families as well as one of my Grandfather's brothers' (my mom's uncle) met us in South Carolina and we went out and ate some great Barbq in his honor. It was a perfect tribute to him and so good to see my cousins and my Aunt.

Mom, Reagan, and I stayed with my Aunt Betsy (Uncle Jim's wife) in their beautiful home in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Reagan was quite the trooper on the trip out and did much better than I expected. I am so very thankful for the portable DVD player that Darrell got for us right before our trip. Baby Einstein DVD's really made the trip quite enjoyable! While we were in South Carolina, Reagan made his first two trips to the beach and loved the sand more than I could have even imagined that he would! He squealed, crawled, threw it, covered himself in it, got some in his mouth, ears, eyes, nose, and diaper. He was not a happy man when I picked him up to take him away when our beach time was over.

While we were there, I ran the Cooper River Bridge 10K, which is the 3rd largest 10K in the US. There were over 38,000 participants! The run was beautiful and I really enjoyed running in a new place. I ran my fastest 10K ever! I ran the entire 6.2 miles and finished in 1:11:21. Prior to this 10K, my fastest 10K was Capitol 10K in March 2007. That time was 1:16:46. I was thrilled to have done it as fast as I did!

Reagan overall did a good job being off of his schedule and in a new place. He has found a new pitch to scream in that is unbelievably high. We think that he gets frustrated because he can't tell us what he wants, so we get the scream instead. We are hoping that he starts communicating better sometime soon!

While we were away, Darrell re-tiled my bathroom. It looks amazing and I'm so proud of his tiling skills! This past Friday, our friend Patti and I painted the bathroom and went shopping for new shower curtains, towels, etc. I am so pleased with how nice it turned out!

We enjoyed our 3 day weekend and spent Saturday running a bunch of errands and relaxed on Sunday. Reagan got to hunt Easter Eggs for the first time this year. He enjoyed picking them up and putting them in his bucket and then pouring them out again!

Pics to come soon!!


Blogger Rose said...

Your photos are amazing. I really want to run a 10k. I'd be happy with another 5k. Soon I will start running again (or so I say).

Thanks for sharing your life!

April 7, 2010 at 10:10 AM  

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