So Farr, So Good

Thursday, August 26, 2010

So in my last blog, I said that my surgery was only 5 more days away, which meant it would have been today. Guess I'm just looking forward top breathing too much! The surgery is actually a week from tomorrow, September 3rd. I'm nervous about the recovery, but know I will feel better in the long run! I'm very anxious about it and it seems like the week is crawling by.

I managed to get 45 minutes in on the elliptical on Monday and I headed down to Town Lake for a 3 mile run at lunch today. You know fall is on the way when it's just under 90 degrees at 2 in the afternoon! It was not too bad out there at all today and it took me 40 minutes to do my 3 miles today and last time I ran 3 at the trail, it took me 45 minutes. The cooler weather makes me a little bit faster.

Reagan started his new class on Monday. He really likes his new teachers and is with a few of the kids that he's been with since he started the daycare, so it wasn't too big of a transition for him. He's really starting to say alot more words these days. His favorite word this week as been "bus." We see lots of school buses on the way to school and on the way home and every time he sees one, he gets very excited and yells, "Bus! Bus!" He also did one of the cutest things he's done yet on Monday. We were in the car leaving the day care and were right in front of the daycare and he blew a kiss and said, "Bye-Bye scoo!" He was saying by to his school! He doesn't often link words together, so I thought that was pretty great! The other thing that he does that always makes us laugh is to combine Darrell and I into one person. He yells for us together "MamaDadda!"

We are hoping that he's out of his biting phase. He hasn't bitten in a while and he hasn't been bitten either. He does have more teeth coming in and I know they are bothering him. He's been chewing on his shirt and will chew on my shirt too when I'm holding him. Sometimes he'll go to chew on my shirt and bite me, so we've been telling him "No bite." alot. He does know how to say that as well.

Really looking forward to the weekend!!


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