So Farr, So Good

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Road Block

I had my appointment today with my Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist to go over the results of the CT Scan that I had last Monday. The sinus under my right eyes is about 3/4's filled up with fluid and doesn't appear to be training, which is the root of the continuous sinus infections. As I told the nurse that called last week to schedule the appointment, I wasn't taking any more antibiotics since I had been on 4 rounds of them and they weren't clearing up the problem. Now that they have told me I have chronic sinusitis and the results of my CT scan came back showing the results that they did, they have determined that I am going to have to have the surgery to go in and clear everything out and widen my sinus passage ways in hopes that it will to help my sinuses drain better. The surgery is scheduled for September 3. I'm not looking forward to the surgery or the recovery (which I've heard is the roughest part), but I am looking forward to getting better and not having to worry about this any more. The doctor said that the first 5-10 days are the worse and that the full recovery will take 6-12 weeks.

My concern was how long it will take before I can run again. The doctor said that I cannot do anything for the first five days and for the next at least five days, I can only do low impact activities (cycling, elliptical, walking)

Hopefully, this is a minor set back that I will be able to overcome!! I am definitely going to proceed with caution. I am going to remain optimistic!!

In Reagan news, I went to pick him up from daycare today and they told me that he will be moving up to the next class on Monday. Apparently, they have an overflow of kids around his age and not many at all in the next couple of ages, so they are spreading the kids his age among the other classes. I am not very worried about the transition for this one because the teacher that he will have is Miss Chelsea and that's who I leave him with in the morning, so he's comfortable with her.


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