So Farr, So Good

Friday, September 4, 2009

Healing Well

The little man seems to be doing pretty well. Yesterday, we gave him only regular Tylenol and did not give him any of the Tylenol with codeine. He was moving around fine and eating alot better yesterday as well. I think he was a little uncomfortable last night. He was really restless before we got ready to go to bed and wouldn't go to sleep, so we finally just put him in his crib. We were expecting him to cry alot, but he went right to sleep. He slept for a couple of hours and then woke up crying alot about 1:30 am. We gave him some more Tylenol and brought him in the bed with us to see if we could get him calmed down. He would get calm and then just start screaming again. After about an hour, we finally got him somewhat calm and put him back in his bed and he cried for about 15 minutes and then slept until 8 this morning.

He was pretty fussy this morning and after Darrell fed him, he took his temperature and he was running a little fever of about 100.7. The doctor told us that it would be normal for him to run fever, but to really keep an eye on it and to call him if it gets to 102. We gave him some more Tylenol and he fell asleep on me for about an hour and a half. When he woke up, he seemed to be feeling much better and was in a much better mood.

The three of us decided to get out of the house for a little while, so we went over to Academy so I could get some new running socks and a couple of other things. After that, we went to lunch at Red Robin and Reagan was just in the best mood. He enjoyed riding in the basket and looking around at everything. By the time we got home, he was ready for another nap.

We are SO excited for the college football season to start and will spend the majority of tomorrow watching any games that we can fine. So ready to watch those Longhorns again!!
We discovered that Reagan really likes to drink water today. Darrell was drinking some water and he kept reaching for the bottle, so Darrell gave him some. He would get really excited and open his mouth for more. The other picture is from Wednesday. He had been crawling around and was getting pretty tired.


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